Hoping that everyone enjoyed the glorious weather this past weekend!
If anyone is looking for something uplifting to give you and students some motivation and inspiration through the last two weeks of school, please take a look at these cute students of ours. One had a challenge to make an instrument out of recycled materials, and he got his whole family involved:
Family Band with Hand-made Instruments
Thanks so much to all of you for making Distance Learning motivating, inspiring, engaging, reality-based and just plan FUN! I have enjoyed seeing you and your students engaged in making tasty cooking projects and conducting amazing Science experiments; conversing with special guests bringing history to life; involved in tantalizing math lessons and incredible read-alouds; and the list goes on and on. I commend you all for all you have put into DL to make it work for our students.
We have two weeks to go and we need to keep up this enthusiasm because, as you know, it gets increasingly challenging for our students and families as time goes on. If you'd like to devote the final week of school to include even more fun and engaging, challenging activities, that would be fabulous.
As you know, our final day of school will be Thursday, June 11.
Virtual Promotion for our Fourth-Grade Students will take place on Wednesday, June 10 at 10 am. Electronic invitations will be sent out shortly, with additional details.
We are still working out the details of pushing out student belongings during the last week of school, as well as collecting library books and school-owned instruments. We will not be collecting Chromebooks at this time.
Here are Spirit Day & "Mrs. Rose's Challenge" for this week:
- Wednesday, June 3 will be "Come to (Virtual) School Dressed as Your Favorite Book Character" Day.
- "Flex Friday," June 5 will include a challenge for students to find a way to share their favorite book character.
Other important information about this week:
- We will meet in grade-level teams this week to finalize class placements for next school year. Each team made amazing progress last week and this will be a chance to review the work and make any edits, if necessary. Due to so many PPTs, 504s and other important meetings, the office will reach out to each team to schedule these meetings at mutually convenient times. As you will notice, these meetings are not in the calendar just yet.
- Fourth-graders will participate in a Virtual Field Trip to Westbrook Middle School on Tuesday.
- Details of this week's PLC Meetings will be forthcoming.
- As always, if you have any concerns re: specific Report Cards--and if you'd like to review any with me--please let me know. I'm asking that everyone have scores and comments into PowerSchool by next Monday, so that office staff will have time to print them for distribution by the last day of school. Please know that teachers will not be responsible for printing final Report Cards.
- Final PTO Meeting of the school year will take place on Wed., June 3, from 6-7 pm. We'll send out the Google Meet link to all staff, in case you'd like to join.
- I will send out a sign-up sheet for classroom teachers to come into classrooms to sort throught student belongings, just as soon as possible.
- Please note that we will NOT be writing next year's teacher's name on Report Cards this year. Also, since we won't be doing "Step Up" at the end of this school year, we will notify families of classroom placement over the summer and will plan to do Open Houses prior to the start of the new school year, if possible.
As always, please check our Daisy Staff Google Calendar, which is updated daily:
Again, thanks to all for the incredible work that you're doing because each one of you is providing a very important service for every one of our students.
Usually as we come to the close of the school year, we enjoy a Staff Luncheon to honor colleagues who may be retiring or taking on a new assignment. As we all know, everything looks different right now due to COVID-19 and I trust that we will find a way to celebrate our colleagues, even at a later time. As I've shared before, I'll letting you know again, so that everyone is informed:
- Dan Jennings will be taking on a new assignment at Westbrook Middle School in the 2020-2021 school year, but I feel confident that we all travel in the same educational circles and that we are still all connected through our students and their needs. Dan came to us from WHS and we are so grateful for the time he spent with us at Daisy. His energy and passion for our students is just exceptional and the middle school is very fortunate to be welcoming this extremely caring special educator. I've already let him know that, once we are safely able to do so, that we need to do more district-wide happy gatherings.
- Madeline Illinger will be retiring on June 30 after serving as Westbrook's Director of Student Services for the past seven years. Under her leadership, we have provided the best of the best to all of our students with special needs and she has been so visible and active at all of our schools. I'm not so sure that she's really ready to retire (and doubt that she's old enough) and I have a feeling that we'll continue to enjoy hearing her wonderful laugh. She's someone who loves a party and I'm thinking there will be a celebration in the future when it is safe to gather in person.
- Taylor Wrye will resign from his position as Principal of WMS, effective June 30, as he will be taking a position as middle school principal in his hometown of Granby, Conn. We all wish him the very best.
- Finally, Pat Ciccone, our devoted Superintendent for the past eight years, will retire on June 30. Pat brought School Climate Policy and Restorative Practices to Westbrook--as well as hiring me six years ago--and I am, personally, so grateful for all of that. Our district has flourished and grown in countless ways during these years under Pat's leadership. Please join me in wishing her all the very best in her retirement.
- I'm sure that we will hear forthcoming news regarding interim administrators for these positions as we face such challenging times ahead.
Let's finish strong in these last two weeks of school and let's help each other. As soon as I have any news about advisements and further guidance for the future, I will communicate these with you.
My very best,