As we begin the 4-day week ahead, please remember:
- Tuesday, May 30, is a "C" Day
- Our fourth-graders will start off the day on Tuesday at Westbrook High School at 7:45 am with their concert rehearsal there. They will be bused to Daisy between 9:30 and 9:40 am.
- Grades K and 4 have field trips scheduled for Wednesday, that will be weather-dependent.
- Our 4th Grade Choral/Band Concert will take place at WHS on Thursday, June 1, at 6:30 pm. Students should report by 6:10 pm.
- No Wednesday after-school meeting this week.
- We will continue to work on student placement for next school year during Grade Level Meetings this week.
- As always, please click on the link for our Daisy Staff Calendar for all the details of these final weeks of school:
Please let me know any concerns, thoughts and feedback as we enter the final weeks of school.